Thank you for speaking up.




The Forest Service is under tremendous political pressure to get the cut out and that leads to shortcuts that put wildlife, forests, and fisheries at risk. Sadly, once compromised, nature will not recover for decades if not centuries.

You can report Forest Service missteps on our contact page. If you wish to remain to remain anonymous, use as your address. Please be thorough and specific. If you choose this option, we won’t have any way of getting back to you.

Or you can e-mail    We promise to keep all personal information safe. If you are concerned about contacting us directly, you can report tips anonymously through FSEEE or PEER  and ask them to forward the information to us.

This video explains why a Forest Service timber sale forester began both FSEEE and PEER

Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics (FSEEE) was created to assist Forest Service employees who wish to protect the environment and change the paradigm. Its mission is to protect our national forests and reform the U.S. Forest Service by advocating environmental ethics, educating citizens, and defending whistleblowers. FSEEE is a national organization of government employees holding the Forest Service accountable for responsible land stewardship.

FSEEE tip reporting page

PEER stands for Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and is a similar organization open to all public employees. PEER supports current and former public employees who seek a higher standard of environmental ethics and scientific integrity within their agencies. It does this by defending whistleblowers, shining the light on improper or illegal government actions, working to improve laws and regulations, and supporting the work of other organizations.

PEER tip reporting page