Please help us protect our forest.
Understaffed and well beyond capacity, the Bitterroot National Forest is missing many things that harm wildlife habitat and wild places. Please report what you see on the forest. Friends of the Bitterroot will do our best to follow up.
Help us keep our public agencies accountable. Send us a tip, and we’ll check it out.
If you know of something you think we should look into and want to remain anonymous, you can use our contact form and put in as your address. Please be thorough and specific. If you choose this option, we won’t have any way of getting back to you. If you want us to contact you, leave your e-mail and we will follow up with you. You can also contact us directly by e-mailing
Report off road violations, road closure breaches, and roads that are officially closed but remain open.
- If you can include a date, a photo, a gps location, and/or a detailed description of the location, it would be helpful.
- If you have the time, also report this to the pertinent ranger:
- (Stevensville District Ranger)
- (Darby and Sula District Ranger)
- (West Fork District Ranger
Anderson Mountain Quiet Use Click this link to see more info on Anderson Mountain and submit a report.
Report Excessive smoke from prescribed burns:
The Forest Service has repeatedly performed prescribed burns and pile burns during stagnant air warnings. This is inexcusable. During stagnant air alerts, no one should be burning. Here is a response from the Forest Service when asked about this practice. "On days with poorer air dispersion, we light far fewer piles." On poor air dispersion days, they should refrain from burning.
Report sediment in streams. Bull trout and Westslope cutthroat trout need clean water, please report any sediment entering streams to our contact form
Report excessive erosion on or off roads. Soil is the foundation of forest health. When soil is lost it takes eons to restore and leads to sediment in streams, disrupted hydrology and harm to fisheries. Please let us know if you see excessive erosion in the Bitterroot. Report to our contact page or e-mail it to